Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Siebold, Thomas. Martin Luther King Jr. San Diego: David L. Bender, 2000. Print. People Who Made History.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Martin Luther King Jr Marries Coretta

 Coretta and I were married on June 18, 1953 on the lawn of her parents' home in Marion, Alabama. My father, the Reverend King, Sr., performed the wedding ceremony. Mrs. Edythe Bagley, Coretta's sister, was maid of honor. Reverend A.D. King, my brother, was best man. A friend of mine named Mary Powell introduced us in 1952 in Boston over the phone. Coretta was an American author, and a civil rights leader, along with me. She helped the African-American Civil Rights Movement in the 1960’s. After i had had died in 1968 Coretta was the main role in the Civil rights movement. She struggled for racial equality herself, and she then became active in the Women’s Movement. When Coretta and I met, I had just finished m PHd. She was still finishing college. She thought it was a good thing that I wanted to be a preacher like my father. After we were together for a long time we had our first baby Yolanda, then we had Marty. After a few years we had two more Dexter and Bernice. We loved our kids so much. and someday we wanted them to be able to be equal with the white kids.,26473,27342,27552,27636,27692&sugexp=ldymls&xhr=t&q=martin+luther+king+jr+family&cp=25&pf=p&sclient=psy&aq=0&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&pbx=1&fp=5831956345d34357

March to urge Washingtons Congress to pass Civil Rights Legislation

The March in Washington was to urge the congress to pass the Civil Rights Legislation. It was noted for racial unrest and civil rights demonstration. It was a Nation wide outrage. The media sparked coverage of police in Birmingham, Alabama. During the march the police let attack dogs go after the protesters  and used fire hoses on the people who were protesting.  Many of the protestors were in their early teens or younger. I was arrested and jailed during these protests. When I  was in the Birmingham Jail, thats when I wrote his letter “Letter from Birmingham City Jail.” In that letter I talked about civil disobedience, and how unfair it was, and how I was going to make a change, so that everyone could be equal. Nobody really knew how many people would show up for the March. Many people that traveled up from the south were harassed or threatened. By August 28th 1963 there were estimated a quarter of a million people who marched from Washington Monument, to the Lincoln Memorial. Finally the police realized that there was no point to be arresting people and was no necessary reason for them to be there, because the march was civil and peaceful!,26473,27342,27552,27636,27692&sugexp=ldymls&xhr=t&q=martin+luther+king+jr+family&cp=25&pf=p&sclient=psy&aq=0&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&pbx=1&fp=5831956345d34357

The King Receives Noble Peace Prize

On October 14th the 1964 Nobel Peace prize was given to me., who was after Raplph Bunche, the second black American to win the award. I was awarded this award for my nonviolent resistance to racial prejudice in America. I was 35 when I received this award. I was the youngest person ever to received this reward. The prize that I was rewarded honored me for being the furtherance of brother hood among men. When I received this reward it was a really big deal. The Norwegian radio even changed their night schedule one night to brodcast a 30 minute program in honor of the me getting the peace prize. I said that I  was "deeply moved by the honor." I received 54,000$ when I  won the Nobel Peace Prize, and I said EVERY PENNY was going to be put towards the Civil Rights Movement. I was the 12th American to win the Nobel Peace Prize. When the I won the Nobel Peace Prize I was named “Man of the Year” in the Time Magazine. The article in Times magazine praised how I really deserved to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Martin Luther King Jr's Assassination

On April 4th 1968 I was killed by a sniper. I was standing on the balcony of his room at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, TN,. I was in Memphis that day giving a speech about blacks and whites having equal rights. The speech that I was giving earlier that was was titled "I've Been to the Mountaintop." I was a huge part of the Civil Right Movement. Many if not all of my speeches were about me having a dream that someday all blacks and whites would have equal rights, and be able to do the same things, and not be judged because of the color of there skin. When I was shot, i'm sure that it devestated many of my family members and many many people in the world. I wasn't causing any harm to anyone, I was just trying to let everyone have a equal opportunity to live a fair and fun life. I may have gotten assasinated but I am still remember to this day, and always will be! I will always be remembered for giving good speeches, no one really knows why someone would shoot me and kill me, I only wanted to help people! My wife thinks that the man who shot me was not a white man. She thinks that it was a man who I was competing with to make all whites and blacks equal.