Friday, November 19, 2010

March to urge Washingtons Congress to pass Civil Rights Legislation

The March in Washington was to urge the congress to pass the Civil Rights Legislation. It was noted for racial unrest and civil rights demonstration. It was a Nation wide outrage. The media sparked coverage of police in Birmingham, Alabama. During the march the police let attack dogs go after the protesters  and used fire hoses on the people who were protesting.  Many of the protestors were in their early teens or younger. I was arrested and jailed during these protests. When I  was in the Birmingham Jail, thats when I wrote his letter “Letter from Birmingham City Jail.” In that letter I talked about civil disobedience, and how unfair it was, and how I was going to make a change, so that everyone could be equal. Nobody really knew how many people would show up for the March. Many people that traveled up from the south were harassed or threatened. By August 28th 1963 there were estimated a quarter of a million people who marched from Washington Monument, to the Lincoln Memorial. Finally the police realized that there was no point to be arresting people and was no necessary reason for them to be there, because the march was civil and peaceful!,26473,27342,27552,27636,27692&sugexp=ldymls&xhr=t&q=martin+luther+king+jr+family&cp=25&pf=p&sclient=psy&aq=0&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&pbx=1&fp=5831956345d34357

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