Friday, November 19, 2010

The King Receives Noble Peace Prize

On October 14th the 1964 Nobel Peace prize was given to me., who was after Raplph Bunche, the second black American to win the award. I was awarded this award for my nonviolent resistance to racial prejudice in America. I was 35 when I received this award. I was the youngest person ever to received this reward. The prize that I was rewarded honored me for being the furtherance of brother hood among men. When I received this reward it was a really big deal. The Norwegian radio even changed their night schedule one night to brodcast a 30 minute program in honor of the me getting the peace prize. I said that I  was "deeply moved by the honor." I received 54,000$ when I  won the Nobel Peace Prize, and I said EVERY PENNY was going to be put towards the Civil Rights Movement. I was the 12th American to win the Nobel Peace Prize. When the I won the Nobel Peace Prize I was named “Man of the Year” in the Time Magazine. The article in Times magazine praised how I really deserved to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

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